Meet Kiffin

I was first introduced to energy therapy in the year 2000. After the birth of my first son, I experienced a panic attack much like those I struggled with throughout my childhood. Now having a little one dependent on me, I knew I needed to resolve this issue as soon as possible. As a child, I’d received traditional counseling but didn’t feel it provided much relief, so I decided to try a new approach. I left my first session knowing the cause of my panic attacks and have not had one episode since that day!

Over the years, I've realized the importance of consistent self-care. When going through the process of divorce, I committed to weekly sessions. I was at rock bottom and struggled to cope with the heartache and co-parenting challenges that are a part of divorce with young children. As I regained my footing, I found that when I missed a session or two, I would start to slide back into old, unhealthy behaviors. This led to the decision to keep energy therapy as a part of my regular routine to maintain my overall well-being.

Years later, I continue to see the value in my regular check-ins and the balance it brings to my daily life. Instead of waiting until there is an emergency, I work on maintaining balance each week. I am forever grateful to energy therapy for helping me let go of the past. It allowed me to approach parenting free of the negative generational patterns I grew up with.  And I believe energy therapy is to thank for the healthy relationship I share with my two children. My life has completely transformed over the years due to consistent sessions and following through on my part to enact change in my life. I now have loving, healthy relationships and the career of my dreams!

I have always been drawn to helping others through challenging times. I believe everyone has the capacity to let go of negative habits and behaviors that keep us stuck in life. These issues are often a symptom of not having our emotional needs met early in life. Through consistent sessions, my clients see improvement in their relationships as they move towards achieving their goals.